Kathmandu Delhi travel by bus

  • Hemanta Budhathoki
  • Last Updated on Mar 24, 2025

Table of Contents

We drive to Delhi from Kathmandu twice. Firs journey  with Nepali plate Volvo bus and another time with Indian number plate Volvo bus. Both the bus leaves from Swoyambhu, Kathmandu. With both buses, our journey from Kathmandu Delhi was 25 hours. We paid 4800 Nepali rupees per seat for both the time. We hear that Indian plate bus stop at good places for lunch, Dinner and breakfast, but this experience was horrible with it as well. Journey from Kathmandu go through Muglin, Narayanghat, Sunauli than to India highway. We met another bus on the way at breakfast place driving direct from Pokhara to Delhi also.  

Kathmandu Delhi Kathmandu bus

Three are government buses from both the countries Nepal and India. Indian bus leaves three days a week from Kathmandu that is Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Rests of other days in a week operate Nepalese government bus accept Saturday. There is a private company operating everyday bus, the company names is Manjushree Yatayat in Swoyambhu. The buses, Nepali private company and both countries governments’ are same categories. But travelling in the bus to Delhi is not easy. It is long way drive; seats are not much comfortable for this kind of long journey. Those who use to have driving sick, it is not recommended to travel Delhi by bus. There is charging points inside the site of bus in every seats. It is fully air condition but windows are not movable. 

A Short vedio of Kathmandu Delhi travelling by bus

Foods stop on the way

There are places that provide hygienic and good foods on the way of the journey but we do not meet the quality places. All these busses leaves to Delhi from Kathmandu stop at local places where cost of the foods are high but very less quality. The main reason of stopping this kind of places is to get commission from the owner to drivers. We notice driver team get commission from our Lunch place near Muglin, Dinner at border and Breakfast in one of Dhawa next morning.

Road condition

Road in the whole Nepal is not much comfortable entirely. Many places on the way in the Nepal site meet construction, narrow and the turning mountain roads. After crossing the border, Indian highway is much comfortable and wider. It is about 10 hours’ time to reach border from Kathmandu and rest about 15 hours driving in Indian highway.    

Restroom or toilet on the way

Bus do not provide toilet inside. They stop time and again in the suitable places. It is more comfortable in the open toilet at Nepal site they stopped. There are comfortable highway toilets on the way driving in India site.   

Checking and immigration

There are few checking points. First checking point at end of Kathmandu specially to inspect Nepalese ladies going to India. Maiti Nepal counter make sure with every ladies, to confirm female trafficking. The similar checking point is in Nepal India border site. There is simple checking with Nepali arm force inside the bus in Nepal boarder side. Foreigners other than Indian and Nepali need to stamp departure on their passport and arrival stamp in India side with their valid Indian visa. Border site of India take place of scanning machine of the entire luggage. Interesting scanning machine is made in small movable bus. After formalities of border, all passenger need to entry name details in Indian immigration. List of the passenger is provided by bus staff, we just need to line up with our valid ID card either citizenship card or passport for Nepali, any other government card for Indians. Valid passport is compulsory for foreigners other than Nepalese and Indians.


Travelling by bus from Delhi to Kathmandu is not the good idea. When the flight ticket fair is in normal, it is better to choose flight. We travelled by bus when the flight ticket at that time was about 51,000 NPR per person. People who feel sick during travelling in the bus get hard time with the bus in this long journey. You will not get any chance to visit places during this travel. It is continue drive accept stopping for toilets and foods. About 25 hours journey is continue driving whole day and night. Buses provide from government site and private buses are similar category.   

Hemanta Budhathoki

Hemanta Budhathoki

Hemanta Budhathoki is team leader of Nepal Highland Trekking and travel company. 

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