Resham Firiri-Traditional Nepali folk song

  • Hemanta Budhathoki
  • Last Updated on Mar 17, 2025

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Resham Firiri-Traditional Nepali folk song was first released in 1970 in Nepalese local radios and became one of the super hit songs at that time and till now. Traditional style Nepali folk song is easy catching and simple that everyone can sing it. Resham Firiri popularity is not only in Nepal, but it has also extended India, Bhutan, where the Nepali language is spoken by millions of peoples. This song has travelled from Nepalese cultures to other cultures of the universe. 47 members band performed Resahm Firiri in German, Japanese singer, South Korean musician; India’s singer gave their best performance in their best version.  It has become now a universal tune.  

If you go to cultural Nepali restaurant for foreigners, you will listen to traditional Resham Firiri song and dance. When some foreigners ask to sing Nepali song during their tour or in the trek, Nepalese staffs with them first choice to sing this song. Thus this is the best trekking song in Nepal. This song is beautifully capturing everyday life of hilly Nepalese peoples and their lifestyle and cultural values. The song is also about the love that happens in our society describing the huge natural beauty of the Nepal Himalayas. Three different musical instruments are using in this song. Sarangi (Nepali typical musical instrument like Violin), Madal (traditional Nepali drum) and Basuri (Nepali flute). In the popular touristic streets and souvenir shops, you can listen to this song. When you want to buy a CD of best Nepali lyric, no doubt Resham Firiri is the best.    

Resham Firiri song in Nepali lyrics
Resham Firiri Nepali Song

Meaning of Resham Firiri song in English

When we translate Resham first song directs to English words, it does not mean nice or it does not reach the original meaning of this song. It gets odd and mesh.

My heart is fluttering like silk in the wind
I cannot decide whether to fly or sit on the hilltop
To the dog-it’s puppy, puppy, to the cat-it’s meow meow
Our love is-waiting at the crossroads.
One-barrelled gun, two-barrelled gun, targeted at a deer.
It’s not the deer that I am aiming at, but at my beloved.
Aeroplane in the sky, motor on the roads, If not then bullock cart.
If your heart feels the same as mine then come..
The tiny baby calf is in danger at the precipice.
I couldn`t leave, let`s go together, my love.

In 2018, Germany’s Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra gave the number a classical touch with a performance by its 47-member ensemble in the accession of the 50th anniversary of Germany-Nepal diplomatic relations at an event in December. that had 17 musicians from Germany performing with 30 Nepali musicians.

The original song of Resham Firiri

One of the youth band who focus to sing by traditional way Kutumba made a lyrics in Resham Firiri

What is the meaning of Resham Firiri song?
The original words of this song were collect by Buddhi Pariyar from Pokhara.  He wrote this song while he was walking to his friend house which was far a way through unfaithful mountain path. He saw an insect buzz pass by him (It was silk insect which called Resham in the Nepali language). He imagine that if he could fly like Resham, he could reach his destination without difficulties and very soon. So the first lines of this song has also sung the same, “If I could fly and reach hills and valley like Resham”. 

A foreigner singing Resham Firiri song

Reasons to reach this song in many countries
This song has reached to so many peoples in this universe. One of the reasons for this is because of streets signers with their traditional musical instrument in the streets of the touristic town. When they (Gandharba) sing this song with their Sarangi, they listen a very fluently and charming. So many foreigners start to look for this music. Another reason is a trekking guide in the mountains. When they sing this song in front of many foreigners, they request to sing it every day and bring a CD of it to their home.  Many foreigners have setup this song and tone in their mouth and can sing very nice way. This song has been discussed on trip advisor, Quora and other many travel websites. One of the best description we found on  

Hemanta Budhathoki

Hemanta Budhathoki

Hemanta Budhathoki is team leader of Nepal Highland Trekking and travel company. 

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